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Employees as customers. How PIN-UP cares about colleagues and supports volunteering

The PIN-UP Global ecosystem has set up internal processes to protect and develop its staff. And the employees themselves are actively involved in the corporate charity fund

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Unlike many other companies in these difficult times, PIN-UP Global is growing rapidly. In the last year alone, it has increased its staff by 51%! All thanks to the hiring of staff in international offices, as well as the opening of a new office in India. PIN-UP treats employees in a special way — as internal customers. This means that the ecosystem tries to provide employees with all internal services at the highest possible level. And employees are very satisfied with this, according to a recent internal survey. However, the management does not stop and is now thinking about how to significantly expand the social package and how to provide more opportunities for development and career growth.

Special conditions

It is extremely important to take into account the current situation in the country and its impact on the business and the team. Realizing the complexity of the conditions in which the staff has to work, the ecosystem has taken additional care of the safety and efficiency of work processes:

  • Remoteness, flexible working hours and flexible schedules.
  • Consultations with a corporate psychologist.
  • Identification, assistance and support from HR specialists for burnout, anxiety and other undesirable conditions that arise in employees under conditions of stress and uncertainty.
  • Equipping comfortable shelters in our offices in Ukraine.
  • Providing employees with the means to work from a safe place, such as eco-flow, during possible blackouts.
  • Annual team building programs and corporate events aimed at recovering the team from the stress of being in a war zone.
  • Days off for public holidays to give employees an additional opportunity to rest.

In addition, PIN-UP is even ready to hire a backup team in other international offices to support the Ukrainian team if it needs time to recover! 

Corporate training

The company is developing a corporate university focused on the development of hard skills and managerial competencies. For example, marketers are trained to use product metrics in gambling more effectively, and programmers are taught public speaking skills. The main focus is on the study of professional English, which is essential for employees of the gambling industry. In order to expand career opportunities within PIN-UP Global, the PIN-UP Talents program is available for employees. 

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And to keep up with market trends, employees regularly attend specialized conferences where they not only fulfill work tasks but also learn from experience and ideas. 

Charity and volunteering

PIN-UP Global and its employees do not stand aside from the urgent problems of the state and those countrymen who need support the most. 

PIN-UP has a corporate humanitarian headquarters that continues to help employees and their families with the most basic needs. A separate entity, the PIN-UP Foundation, a charitable foundation created by PIN-UP Global CEO Marina Ilyina, is responsible for external projects. Today, it regularly helps Ukrainians affected by the war. One of the projects is LINE-UP, under which volunteers deliver vital products to the frontline areas of Ukraine (in total, 44 thousand people from more than 100 settlements received assistance, which is 253 tons of products).

The Foundation also repairs and equips children's centers and homes, and restores damaged architectural monuments. Kharkiv needs special support, and PIN-UP Foundation has provided the local subway with a high-powered generator and is setting up heating stations for the city's residents — during the last high-powered floods, the foundation sent 16 generators to Kharkiv.

A vital initiative of the foundation is to facilitate the evacuation of Ukrainians from dangerous regions: with its help, 150 people, mostly children, have already moved abroad and within Ukraine. Even those who did not leave the frontline areas received gifts for the New Year — the volunteers distributed 10,000 packages to children.

Another ongoing security project of the PIN-UP Foundation is the installation of Safe Place mobile street shelters in Kherson, Chernihiv, and Tsyrkuny, Kharkiv region. These structures can protect against shock waves and shell fragments and can accommodate 15 people.

Support for the military

Responsible interaction with colleagues who have gone to defend the country is another priority for PIN-UP. Currently, 15 employees of the ecosystem are in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the ecosystem supports them as much as possible: from regular monthly salary payments to closing their requests for various types of assistance. In addition, a veterans' reintegration program is already being developed, which will include rehabilitation, individual psychological support, workplace adaptation, mentor support in the first few months of work, and other personal assistance.

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